15 Facts about Google you should know

15 Facts about GOOGLE

1. At the beginning of Google, it could deal with 30-50 pages each second, today it processes a great many pages each second.

2. Starting in 2009, at their Mountain View base camp, Google leased 200 goats to cut their yards as a low-carbon elective from California Grazing.

3. The first of many Google Doodles was an out of office message in 1998, the doodle was a man remaining behind an O, the second in Goo

4. Klingon was added as a Google language choice in 2002.

5. Google's central command highlights a scope of irregular things and enhancements, including Google, shaded telephone boxes, a T-rex nicknamed Stan and grown-up measured ball pits.

6. Oxford English Dictionaries and Merriam-Webster both in 2006 added the word 'Google', it's characterized as a "look for data about (a person or thing) on the Internet utilizing the web crawler Google".

7. Google's new workers are known as Nooglers, they are expected to don blue, yellow, and red caps at their first broad gathering.

8. Google offers all representatives a free lunch, in an everything you-can-eat buffet-style framework, and bites including treats and salmon. The primary bite given to representatives was Swedish Fish in 1999.

9. Google gets another organization every week, by and large, getting YouTube over gatherings at Denny's in 2006 for $1.65 billion.

10. Google at first was put away on ten 4GB hard drives in Lego packaging for simple stockpiling development. This is currently in plain view at Stanford University. The list currently has north of 100 million GB of information.

11. Google possesses various huge names including Android the portable working framework, Waze the GPS traffic framework, and Nest a savvy home framework.

12. Google purchased Motorola in 2011 for $12.5 billion and sold it after its unexpected slump for $2.5 billion.

13. Assuming a Google worker kicks the bucket, their mate gets half of their compensation for quite some time.

14. Initially the Google landing page was adjusted to one side and was exceptionally meager as the authors didn't know HTML and needed a straightforward point of interaction.

15. Google, in 2013, had a power outage that brought down each of its administrations for five minutes causing a 40% drop in web traffic across the world.

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